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Diverse and Positive Learning Environments

“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” - Alfie Kohn


Our Littles class is one where your child will use their imagination to learn new skills, work on their social emotional skills, make new friends, and help them learn more about themselves and the world around them.

We have so much fun learning through play!

Young Painter

Pre-K Learning Program

In our Learning Program your child will learn their letters, colors and numbers. We will practice name tracing, writing and songs to sing!  Learning to follow instruction and adapt to a Kinder-like environment to help them feel confident in their first year of school.

Before and After School

Your school age kids will have a safe place to go before and after the school day. They will have a chance to build friendships, do homework, explore art, experiment with science projects and more. 

Children's Race
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